Launching the New 3Dsellers Platform

September 11, 2019

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Launching the New 3Dsellers Platform

By Alex Flom (@alex_flom), CEO & Co-Founder of 3DsellersI started selling on eBay in 2008 when the world of e-commerce was rather new.Back then, there were hardly any tools helping sellers to design, manage, monitor and develop their eBay business.Since I had some programming experience, I started to develop tools that helped me gain an advantage over competitors and grow my eBay business. These tools worked very well, my eBay sales went up and my business thrived.I started thinking that the tools I developed could help other eBay sellers.And so, in 2010 I teamed up with Avi Assa (@aviassa), an excellent developer, and 3DSellers was born.Since 2010, 3DSellers launched over a dozen applications for eBay sellers and our company grew from a two-man operation to a company of 15 employees. Our applications provided various solutions for eBay sellers such as store designs, cross-sell emails and automated feedback reminders.In 2017, we came up with an entirely new concept: instead of offering sellers several applications for different needs, we decided to create one platform that will provide eBay sellers with a comprehensive solution.We wanted to enable sellers to build and maintain their brand while designing their store, communicating with customers and promoting their listings. Each seller’s brand should be consistent on all channels: eBay, email messages and social networks.In other words, instead of offering various individual tools we understood that sellers need a platform that will contribute to all their needs in one place.Six months ago we started working on the new 3Dsellers platform. We integrated our best tools into one solution, improved existing features and added new tools for eBay sellers.Today, I’m happy to announce the launch of the new 3Dsellers Platform. The new platform will allow us to bring even more value to eBay sellers with new, improved and easy to use tools.

What can 3Dsellers platform do for you?

3Dsellers platform is a one-in-all solution for eBay sellers, providing them professional tools for communicating with buyers.When we planned this platform, we gave a lot of thought to the various touch points eBay sellers have with their customers and decided to focus on three main areas:

  • Design
  • Communications
  • Social Marketing

The platform includes six features for eBay sellers, let's go over them.

Design: Building your brand

Store Designer

Your eBay store is your eBay face! As in physical stores, you have the option to make it warm or cold, sophisticated or to the point.The color selection, the texts, the photos and everything about your store design has to be perfect.Great design does more than just promote products, it generates interest and trust.If the design is good, clients will stay longer in your store, browse through more items and understand that you are an expert in your field.The Store Designer also has a library of 200 thousand images for sellers to use. You can add photos taken by professional photographers to your store in just one click!

Listing Designer

After using the Store Designer to design your eBay store, it’s time to use the Listing Designer, a feature that enables you to design eBay listings.We offer several listing templates to choose from. After selecting a template platform users can also select colors, add images, descriptions and more.In addition, users can save one design and apply it automatically to many listings, saving the time of designing each product individually.

Communications: Be in touch with your buyers

Cross Sell Emails

Promote listings while staying in touch with your customers. Send an automated email following a purchase or after an item is shipped, this message will include special promotions or recommended items for the buyer. You can schedule the message, edit the text and select the items!

Feedback Reminder

With 3D Sellers, you can automate feedback reminders to your customers.The feedback reminder is a great tool to boost your eBay store rating and ranking.You can schedule the reminders and edit the messages. 3Dsellers Platform sends the reminders via the eBay messanger.

Social Marketing: Connect with your customers where they are

Facebook Store

Create a fantastic Facebook store displaying all of your eBay items, at the click of a button.Connect with 900 million potential Facebook customers!It’s a great advertising tool, and you shouldn’t miss out on it. With 3Dsellers platform the integration between Facebook and eBay is made easyPotential customers will view your store on Facebook but once they hit the Buy Now button they will be redirected to your eBay store.

PDF Catalog

Create your own online catalog that consists of items that you are selling in your store with direct links to the eBay store,it’s a great tool that has the potential to generate more sales.Sellers can email this catalog to their buyers or post the link to the catalog on social media platforms.Moreover, with 3Dsellers platform you can create new catalogs anytime you like!Every time you add new products to your store, you can create up-to-date catalog. It’s as simple as that.

Quick Summary – The New platform for eBay sellers includes:

a. Store Designerb. Listing Designerc. Feedback Reminderd. Cross Sell Emailse. Facebook Storef. PDF CatalogI hope that I helped you understand better just what 3D Sellers platform can do for your eBay business.I would love to hear from you; please add your comments, suggestions, and questions below. I promise to respond!

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