how to get more views on eBay

8 Quick & Easy Steps: How to Get More Views on eBay in 2025

March 26, 2025

If you've been selling on eBay for any amount of time, you probably know that it's a somewhat volatile marketplace. You may have a stretch of steady sales, then suddenly your listings take an inexplicable dip in impressions that leads to a noticeable slump in orders. Alternatively, you may find that your listings never manage to get any significant traction at all, leaving you scratching your head and wondering how to get more views on eBay for your products. Luckily, how to increase views on eBay comes down to two basic (and complementary) strategies: listing optimization and paid listing promotion. In this guide, we'll understand how to apply these two approaches to your eBay listings, and give you 8 concrete steps you can take today to help your products get more views on eBay to increase your chances of making a sale. Keep reading for a simple step-by-step guide to increasing your eBay views, and start getting better visibility for your eBay listings today.

At a Glance: Key Takeaways for Increasing Views on eBay

Before we dive into actionable steps, we'll go over some key factors that affect eBay listing visibility, familiarize ourselves with some terms, and get a better understanding of the fundamentals of eBay listing views.

  • Cassini – eBay's Internal Search Engine: When most buyers log on to eBay, they do so to search for and purchase a specific item. To get more views on eBay for your listings, you need to optimize them specifically for eBay's search engine, Cassini.
  • Importance of High-Quality Photos: Getting views for your listings is important, but they're not worth much on their own if they don't improve clicks and conversion rates. High-quality listing photos improve click rates, bringing you another step closer to making a sale.
  • Promoted Listings and Paid Advertising: In competitive niches, getting views organically can take a long time, and may not always be successful. In cases like these, paid listing promotion strategies might be a good fit for select listings.
  • Importance of Keywords in Title and Description: Whether you're trying to increase visibility organically or through paid promotion strategies, ensuring that your eBay listings are keyword-optimized for better performance is essential to their success.
  • Seller Metrics and Reputation: On eBay, better sellers get better visibility for their listings. Work to attain Top Rated seller status, and increase your eBay listings' visibility across the board.

how to get views on eBay

8 Easy Steps to Get More Views on eBay

Now, with the basics in hand, we'll dive straight in to 8 actionable steps you can take right now to improve your listing visibility on eBay to increase your brand presence, get more engagement, and ultimately boost your eBay sales. When reading through, keep in mind that these are visibility-boosting steps, not general tips for getting more views on eBay. Treat them as such, since the success of each step relies – in whole or in part – on the effective implementation of the preceding steps.

Step 1: Optimize Your Title with Keywords

Like all search engines, eBay's search engine, Cassini, works in part by analyzing the content of a listing in order to match it with the most relevant buyer search queries. Every optimized listing begins with a keyword-optimized title, which strategically utilizes the listing's main keyword in order to maximize its effect in terms of algorithm performance. An SEO-optimized eBay listing title will have the main keyword towards the beginning (right after the brand and model, if applicable), utilize additional keywords when possible, and be no longer than 80 characters at most.

Before you can implement relevant keywords and work on the ideal structure for your listing title, however, you need to find the best keywords to use for the item you wish to sell. To find these keywords, you'll need to conduct thorough, eBay-specific keyword research for your item, and conduct separate keyword research for additional markets where you want to list (i.e.,,, etc.). Once you have your main and secondary keywords in hand, use them to create an optimized title for better listing visibility in searches.

If this process sounds a bit too involved, that's because it is, unfortunately. Optimizing an eBay listing to increase its views requires considerable time and effort, and might even require paying for a good eBay keyword research tool. Luckily, when you manage your eBay Store with 3Dsellers, you'll have access to AI-powered SEO tools that make eBay listing optimization a breeze. 3Dsellers' built-in AI SEO functionalities enable you to conduct keyword research, find optimal keywords, and create flawlessly optimized titles in bulk, all with the click of a button, saving you hours of work and helping you optimize your eBay listings faster than ever. 3Dsellers' AI tools can also help you optimize the listing's product description and mobile description to help you increase visibility across devices, too.

Optimize titles and descriptions with AI

Step 2: Categorize the Item Correctly and Utilize eBay's Item Specifics Feature

eBay is a vast marketplace with a wide variety of product categories, and those categories are more than just a way for buyers to navigate through the site's active listings; product categories on eBay are also integral to the proper function of Cassini, eBay's internal search engine. When assessing a listing, Cassini takes into account the product category it's assigned to, and uses that information to make better decisions when matching the listing with a buyer's search query. For this reason, it's essential to choose the correct and most specific product category for every item you list on eBay.

Increase views on eBay

In a similar vein, eBay gives sellers the option of adding various fields to their listings, known as Item Specifics. These attribute fields enable sellers to concisely present specific item information to their buyers in an easily digestible way, and, more importantly, gives Cassini attributes which it can then use to categorize listings. In practice, this means that buyers are able to filter their results by these attributes, so the more attributes your listing has, the better its chances of being included in filtered search results. Above, we can see an example of a listing for a watch with a wide range of item specifics added. If a shopper is looking for a watch with a quartz movement, for example, this listing will show up in their filtered search.

Step 3: Use High-Quality Photos

On eBay, product images can be the difference between a highly visible listing that consistently converts and a listing that virtually never gets any views or sales. Making it a listing practice to only use high-quality item photos is one thing you can do today that will increase your views on eBay across the board, boost engagement, and drive conversions. But what makes for a high-quality photo?

Since eBay does not have particularly rigid rules when it comes to item images, what it means to create high-quality listing images is not always clear to sellers. Luckily, the idea behind this is simple: A listing with high-quality product images will have a wide selection of photos, from multiple angles, showcasing different aspects of the item. The images themselves must be in high resolution in order to allow for a useful zoom experience, must be well-lit, detailed, and must showcase the item – and in the main listing photo, only the item – against a neutral background. Images like these serve two purposes: they provide information about the item, but they also capture shoppers' attention, thereby nudging them towards making a purchase.

Step 4: Offer Free and Fast Shipping

As online shopping becomes more and more prevalent, the expectations that buyers have become more and more decisive in sellers' ability to sell. Once such expectation is fast, free shipping for all orders placed online, and shoppers on eBay are no exception. The impact of free and fast shipping on buyer decisions is significant, with many shoppers rating shipping as a major consideration when deciding whether or not to make an online purchase. On the flipside, when buyers encounter expensive or slow shipping options, they're much more likely to forgo a purchase from a seller altogether and move on to the competition.

Just as fast and free shipping is crucial to buyers' purchase decisions, its impact on listing visibility cannot be overstated. Firstly, like with the aforementioned Item Specifics, buyers can and very often do filter their search results by free shipping. This means that shoppers, who overwhelmingly know that free and fast shipping is non-negotiable, will frequently filter listings that have slow or paid shipping out of their search results intentionally, leaving them with no views at all.

Step 5: Utilize eBay's Promoted Listings Feature and eBay Ads

By far the easiest way to get more views on eBay, paid eBay listing promotion is essentially the "pay-to-play" path to more views on eBay. eBay promoted listings help you increase your eBay listings' visibility by paying to be placed in select high-visibility spots.

Get more views on eBay with promoted listings

In fact, in our example search for "Invicta watch," we can see that the top results are actually not organic results, but promoted listings. You'll find similar results on practically every search you conduct on eBay, and that's because these promoted listings are there thanks to eBay's PPC (pay-per-click) advertising program, eBay Ads, and more specifically, eBay Promoted Listings Advanced. This advertising structure allows eBay sellers to promote individual listings by placing an ad bid on individual keywords – in this case, "Invicta watch." The higher and more competitive their bid, the higher the likelihood of their listing will appear when a buyer searches for the keyword they targeted in their PPC campaign. If a buyer clicks, they'll pay the bid amount they defined in the campaign for the click.  

Step 6: Cross-Promote Your Listings

One of the major benefits of selling on eBay is the ability to cross-promote your other listings within your product listings. This is known as cross-promotion, and it's one of the most reliable ways to increase your average order value, especially if you offer combined shipping. But while eBay makes this possible, knowing how to create a listing that effectively cross-promotes relevant listings can be a bit tech-involved. Luckily, when you manage your eBay listings with 3Dsellers, you'll have access to fully customizable eBay listing templates with built-in, fully automatable cross-promotion capabilities, so you can get more views on eBay for all your listings by leveraging the views you already get on your more successful listings.

In addition to cross-promoting on eBay, you can also promote your eBay Store and individual listings on social media. If you have a following related to your selling niche, leverage it to get more views for your eBay listings by cross-promoting them on your business's various social media accounts. Do not, however, use your personal account to promote your eBay listings – this is ineffective in our experience, and does not help your listings get any valuable, monetizable engagement.

3Dsellers listing designer

Step 7: Become Top-Rated Seller

Cassini's job is more than just finding the best-matching listing for a buyer's search – it's designed to find listings that are not only relevant, but that will result in a successful and positive transaction. Listings by sellers who don't provide such an experience therefore do not rank very highly in searches, coming in behind promoted listings and well-optimized listings from Top Rated sellers.

In addition to better visibility, Top-Rated sellers have by default earned a higher degree of buyer trust right off the bat, which can contribute to increased conversion rates in comparison to sellers who are assessed as Above Standard or lower. Finally, Top-Rated sellers get a variety of selling benefits, including better protections against abusive buyers and discounted final value fees, so getting more views is just one of the many benefits of becoming a Top-Rated seller on eBay.

Step 8: Offer Competitive Pricing

Competitively priced items are items that sell, and eBay's algorithm knows this. That's why, all other factors equal, it will rank competitively-priced listings higher than those whose price is less attractive to buyers. And since buyers love a good deal, being priced lower than your competition is a surefire way to be on the right side of shoppers' purchase decisions. Ensure that your pricing is competitive by conducting market research before setting a price for your items, and opt for lower margins for high-turnover items to increase sales without having to take a significant hit to your profits.  

FAQs About Getting More Views on eBay

Still have some questions about how to get more views on eBay? Not quite sure what the benefits of increased visibility on eBay are? Check out these frequently asked questions below!

Q: How do I choose the right keywords for my eBay listing?

In order to best optimize your eBay listing and increase its views, it's important to choose the correct keywords to target. But finding the right keywords can be challenging, as it requires thorough keyword research for every item you list. You'll need to invest in a keyword research tool that specializes in eBay, and put in the necessary time to research keywords every product before you can create a listing for it.

Because this is such a labor-intensive task, many eBay sellers choose to enlist the help of AI optimization tools like the ones included in 3Dsellers' eBay selling manager. With 3Dsellers AI-powered listing optimization tools, you'll be able to not only research keywords for your listings quickly and efficiently, but also generate optimized listing titles, descriptions, and mobile descriptions using these keywords.

Q: What is a view and how does it affect my listing?

What's commonly referred to as a view on eBay can actually mean two separate but related things: an impression and/or a click.

An impression is when a buyer sees your listing in search results, but doesn't necessarily click on it. While they don't measure sales, impressions are an important metric in their own right, and are a good way to gauge how your listing optimization strategy is faring in terms of eBay's search algorithm, Cassini.

Clicks, on the other hand, refers to the number of times that buyers have clicked into the listing (commonly referred to as the product detail page) after seeing it in searches, in promoted content, or in a category while browsing. And while they're also not quite a sale, clicks too are an important metric for assessing the performance of your listings, calculating their conversion rate, and understanding where you need to improve.

Q: Why is my eBay listing not getting as many views as I expected?

The most common reason for an eBay listing not getting views is a lack of listing optimization. Listings that aren't keyword-optimized simply don't get picked up by the algorithm, so they hardly ever appear in buyer searches. You can remedy this by ensuring that you're using the right keywords for your product, and implementing them into the listing title and content correctly.

Another common problem is failing to appropriately categorize the listing into the correct eBay product category. An incorrectly categorized listing will suffer in searches, and will get fewer views than listings that have been optimized for SEO and correctly categorized.

Finally, another common reason for low listing visibility is poor eBay account health. Sellers whose accounts are evaluated by eBay as Above Standard or lower often experience diminished listing visibility, leading to low sales overall. Remedy this by working to increase your seller metrics and becoming an eBay Top-Rated Seller.

Q: How often should I update my eBay listing for better views?

Despite the popular misconception, you should never make changes to a listing on eBay just for the sake of it. Listings are only viewed as "stagnant" by the algorithm if they have had no change or positive buyer engagement (i.e. a sale or a watchlist save) for a period of 90 days. That's a three-month period where your best bet is simply letting your listings organically index and gain sales on their own. Only after a stagnant 90 days can you reliably assess that something in your listings isn't working, and can then proceed to make a change.

If you do find yourself needing to make changes to your listings after 90 days of no activity, ensure the changes you're making are informed and useful. You could lower the price, for example, optimize the title, target new secondary keywords to capture the attention of shoppers further down the sales funnel, or even rewrite the description entirely to better implement relevant keywords.

You made it this far! and are now more equipped to succeed in online sales! Enjoy a reward for your hard work!

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