Item Not Received

What is eBay's "Shipping Performance Policy?" + How to stop "Item Not Received" cases on eBay

Aaron Fitch
July 12, 2023
eBay Shipping Performance Policy & Item Not Received Rate

What is eBay's "Shipping Performance Policy"?

On July 23rd, 2023, eBay releases a new "Shipping Performance Policy" for sellers.

  • The Shipping Performance Policy will track the number of Item Not Received (Order Inquiry) cases for every eBay seller.
  • Additionally, each Item Not Received Case that is opened will be evaluated by eBay.
  • These metrics result in an Item Not Received Rate, where if standards are not met, a seller's account may be met with restrictions or lesser selling privileges.

Why this can be a problem for honest eBay sellers

While occasional dishonest buyers can be an issue (how to block bad buyers on eBay), primary causes of "Item Not Received" eBay cases are often due to

  • Shipping Carriers
  • and buyer misunderstanding

Both of these scenarios could lead to poor seller ratings even if the seller is not at fault.

How to Prevent "Item Not Received" & "Order Inquiry" Cases on eBay

3Dsellers offers several features and tools to help avoid and prevent buyers from opening "missing order" cases altogether.

Below are Pro-Tips on how to use particular 3Dsellers tools and features to ensure your "Item Not Received Rate" is acceptable to eBay.

1. Shipping Tracker

3Dsellers' eBay Shipping Tracker monitors every order's delivery with real-time data from the shipping courier.

When the carrier updates the shipping status, Shipping Tracker will automatically send the buyer (and your team) a message to alert them.

track live ebay order shipping

Keeping buyers informed of their order delivery status (or any issues that arise) will prevent buyers from turning to eBay Resolution Center for support.

All you'll need to do is mark items as shipped (by entering or uploading eBay tracking numbers).

Then, Shipping Tracker's settings will handle the rest.

Sign up for a free trial to try the steps below

Settings to use for Shipping Tracker:

  • Include the following information for every automatic eBay message:
  • Carrier Name
  • Tracking Number
  • Tracking Link
  • Summary of the carrier's shipping status
  • Optional: Reassure the buyer you will monitor the carrier's delivery and fix any issues.
  • Send a Shipping Tracker message for the following Shipping Statuses:
  • Failed Attempt
  • Delayed
  • Available for Pickup
  • Delivered
  • Exception (assorted issues)
  • In Transit

2. Helpdesk → Autoresponder

3Dsellers' Autoresponder will reply to buyers automatically when they ask about a missing delivery. The immediate response reassures buyers before they consider opening an eBay Case.

eBay Autoresponder

If a buyer's message text includes particular phrases, you can have Autoresponder send a dynamic response that includes tracking information.

It may also help to assure the buyer that your team is checking on shipping; allowing you time to resolve any issues before the buyer resorts to eBay Resolution Center.

Sign up for a free trial to try the steps below:

Settings for Autoresponder Rule:

  • Sending Rule: Buyer Message TextContains
  • "where is my order" / "wheres my order" / "where's my order"
  • "didn't receive" / "not received" / "did not receive"
  • "missing order" / "missing item" / "missing delivery"
  • Plus other alternative spelling and phrases you typically hear from buyers.

Ensure the message includes:

  • Tracking Number
  • Shipping Carrier
  • Tracking Link
  • Reassure buyers that you are checking on the shipment.

3. Auto Messages

3Dsellers' Auto Messages will send one eBay Message for each Order Event (such as Item Sold, Shipped, Feedback Received, etc.)

Preventative Solution:

Ensure that each Auto Message provides the buyer with friendly details of

  • order progress
  • shipping information
  • an invitation for the buyer to ask questions directly to you

Responsive Solution:

Auto Messages includes the option to send a message if an Item Not Received Case is created.

Automatic ebay messages
Pro Tip: How to on 3Dsellers' platform:

- For a message's "sending event," select Order Inquiry Opened.
(Order Inquiry is an eBay API/ technical term for Item Not Received)

This will allow you the opportunity to get ahead of the situation and even help buyers to close the case before any further support is needed.
Ensure also to provide the buyer with shipping details in every message. Supporting the buyer further in this regard will depend on your business and SLA.

Sign up for a free trial to test it out!

4. Send Bulk Follow-up Messages

This strategy is particularly useful for orders that have special delivery notes or download instructions.

If a buyer doesn't read (or understand) the instructions you provided, it may result in an Order Inquiry (Item Not Received) Case.

advanced eBay order filters and bulk actions

To get ahead of these situations, use Orders Manager to send bulk messages to buyers to

  • check if they have received the order
  • include any special instructions again
  • invite buyers to ask questions
  • ensure they are satisfied with the delivery
Sign up for a free trial to try the steps below:

Steps to Send Bulk Follow-up eBay Messages:

🙌 Easy eBay Order Follow-up messages:

After completing the setup below, your team can send (and organize) eBay follow-ups in four fast actions:

  1. Navigate to Orders Manager
  2. Select the saved filter from the Quick Filters menu
  3. Send the Follow-ups
  4. Add the Tag to the orders.
→ Setup:

Step 1 - Create a Message Template:

  1. Navigate to HelpdeskMessage Templates
  2. Create a follow-up message.

Step 2 - Send the Follow-Up Message

  1. Navigate to Orders → Orders Manager
  2. Apply Filters to target specific orders:
  3. Order Date → Greater than → {#} days ago
  4. Order Date → Less than → {#} days ago
  5. Select all orders in the table.
  6. Choose Send Messages from the Bulk Actions menu.
  7. Select the template and click Send.

Step 3 - Add a Tag to the Orders (who were sent a follow-up message)

  1. Select all the orders again (don't remove the filters)
  2. Select Tags from the Bulk Actions menu.
  3. Create a new tag called "Follow-up Sent"

Step 4 - Update and Save The Filters

  1. Add a new filter:
  2. Tag → is not → "Follow-up Sent"
  3. Save the filter combination.
eBay Policy only allows messaging buyers this way if the message directly relates to the buyer's order.
- Please ensure you follow eBay's Messaging and Spam policies to avoid any repercussions from eBay.

Ending Notes:

Employing informative automation in your eBay customer service not only prevents "Item Not Received" eBay Cases, but it can also help to boost your eBay Feedback Score and repeat buyers. Building buyer trust and better statistics for your eBay business is simplified with 3Dsellers eBay Software.

You made it this far! and are now more equipped to succeed in online sales! Enjoy a reward for your hard work!

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