Brand New Thank You Email Templates!

September 11, 2019

We are happy to announce that we just upgraded our “Thank You Emails” solution, adding new templates & a brand new control panel!

If you aren’t yet familiar with our Thank You Emails solution, Thank You Emails is our latest eBay seller tool that sends your buyers an automatic email following a purchase.

Each email cross sells other items that you have on eBay, helping you increase repeat sales. You can also link your emails with your social accounts, creating for you new channels of communication & allowing you to easily engage with your buyers.

What’s new in Thank You Emails?

New Flat Design

We updated our emails templates to a flat design, making your emails more modern, clean cut & professional.


Color Variations

We added more color variations, so now each template has 5 different color variations, this way you have more choices to choose from.


New Dashboard

We received a few requests from sellers asking for a way to track the emails that were sent. So we added the Thank You Emails dashboard where you will find a table listing the last 10 emails that were sent. In addition, you will find in your dashboard a counter showing the total # of emails ever sent.


Want to see how your emails will look?

Enter here your eBay user ID for a live demo!

eBay UsernamePreview Email

Have any suggestions for us? Feel free to leave us a comment below!

Till next time,


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