amazon sellers

5 Reasons why Amazon sellers should start selling on eBay

Drew Kalinski
September 11, 2019

Amazon might be the giant in eCommerce but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider selling on other sales channels. Having an omni channel presence is important for any eCommerce business and eBay should be your number 1 choice when you start looking to expand elsewhere. Here are my top 5 reasons why you should start considering selling on eBay.

1. Profitability

There are way too many Amazon sellers, who only focus on top line sales rather than concentrating on raising their bottom line profits. Many of these sellers are trying to reach the 1 million a year mark or more. Ignoring some the extra expenses that come along with selling on Amazon. eBay sellers sees an average of 5% lower cost for standard fees compared to Amazon (this does not include FBA). By growing your bottom line profits year over year faster than your top line you stand a far greater chance of success in ecommerce.Let’s not forget to mention that getting paid on eBay is way quicker then Amazon. Amazon only allow disbursements every two weeks whereas eBay pays you after each sale in a matter of days.

2. Brand Awareness

Building a brand on both platforms can be a challenge but with eBay it is easier for brands that are just starting out. Amazon sellers are offered with A+ content for product listings but this is restricted to sellers that have registered with Brand Registry and have a registered Trademark within their country. With most trademarks taking up to 8 months to 1 year to get approved you are missing out valuable time to grow your brand. eBay, on the other hand, allows you to create store themes, add A+ product descriptions right out of the box. HTML coding is required but with software like 3Dsellers Listing Designer you are able to create these themes with ease.

3. Less Competition

While there are less users on eBay there is also less competition. Which gives you an added advantage on eBay to stand out among other sellers compared to Amazon. Especially if there is little to no competition for your product on that platform. eBay does have a large number of sellers, around 25 Million but most of them are low level or selling used goods. Amazon, on the other hand, has over 600 million products listed on their platform.

4. International Business

Amazon has 11 global marketplaces with 33% of its sales taking place outside of the United States. But Amazons global reach is limited. Each seller has to apply in order to sell internationally, then relist each one of their products in that country. So even just expanding to Canada and Mexico is like starting a new Amazon sellers account over again. Also, not all of the United State categories are available internationally. So even if you wanted to start selling you might not be able to with Amazon.eBay, on the other hand, has 25 dedicated international sites and about 57% of their total sales take place outside of the United States. Giving eBay a clear advantage when selling internationally.

5. Items not selling on Amazon

Not all marketplaces are created equal and sometimes products are just better suited for one marketplace then the other. Collectibles, for instance sell way better on eBay than they do for Amazon sellers. I would recommend checking out the competition on eBay for your product to get a better understanding on how many items or sellers are offering something similar. This might be a great opportunity for you if there is limited competition in your niche on eBay.

Final Thoughts

If you are looking to build a brand, get more sales and to increase profits, then it is time to start selling on eBay. Amazon might be the big name in ecommerce but eBay has a lot to offer for online sellers and should definitely be on your mind when you consider expanding your ecommerce business to create an omni channel presence.

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